Designing a white-label finance management dashboard for enterprises, and independent contractors


How might we support finance consultants on their day-to-day activities, simplifying their workflow, and get along with the finance/ insurance legal requirements and enterprise policies?

Excerpt of our research findings executive summary

Research process

‍01. User Research

Beginning with this challenge, we needed to collect as many pieces of information as possible about challenges consultants in the finance and insurance field face daily. Therefore we initiated a thorough field-research with consultants from diverse backgrounds and working environments.

We spent 1-2 hours interviewing each participant and participated at some very insightful shadowing sessions, where one of our team members acted as a customer asking for an insurance or finance consultation. One of our researchers observed the consultation session.

Watching the preparation, consultation, and after-sales support in real-time, we got a deep understanding of the daily activities, workflow, and challenges our dashboard should accommodate.

02. Market Research

Getting familiar with the workflow of the participants, we realized there are many different approaches when it comes to financing consulting. Therefore there are diverse toolsets in the market to accommodate the individual needs of a consultant's workflow.

To achieve our goal, we had to take into account a variety of tools used by consultants. We conducted extensive market research to familiarise ourselves with the tools, their functionality, and their frequency of usage in the consultation life-cycle.

Our objectives during the market research were:

  • the more in-depth understanding of each tool structure
  • the learning curve
  • the input requirements and output
  • the features of each tool, and how those accommodate the consultant's needs

03. Stakeholders interviews

Gaining a better understanding of users' needs and aspirations, their workflow, and the toolsets they use to achieve their goals, we initiated a round of stakeholders' interviews. We brought together business representatives from finance and insurance enterprises to:

  • understand their perspectives regarding the workflow of consultants
  • their expectations regarding digitalization
  • their "intent to buy-in" when it comes to new solutions.

Collecting essential data & insights, we were able to map out:

  • the business goals of the enterprise decision-makers
  • the consideration aspects, when introducing new tools in their corporation and workflow

‍04. Synthesizing findings

We had the chance to collect a significant number of results and insights, which enabled us to have an excellent overview of the current situation on the finance consultation field and workflow.

Analyzing and synthesizing those data, we ended up with an insightful research overview regarding our users, the tools in the market as well as the stakeholders & decision-makers of the industry.

Analyzing the finance consultation process

Empathizing with users and stakeholders

Diving into details: Finance consultation process(es) & touching points

Collecting the data about the process, we recognized that the consultants use different tools and apply diverse processes to offer high-quality service to their customers. We found the most differences between:

  • young and older consultants
  • independent consultants and consultants working for agencies and enterprises
  • finance & insurance specialized consultants and consultants offering 360° consultation (all-rounders)

Artefacts from Empathy workshop to understand users' and stakeholders' needs

What do our users & stakeholders need?


The smooth integration with existing tools and processes seems to be of high importance for independent, agency, and enterprise consultants. Also, the option to add new tools and upgrade the existing ones would be mandatory for a satisfactory solution. The adaptability to consultants' workflow & working style (e.g., structured or unstructured consultation) would also be necessary for all three consultants' segments. The option to have complete clients' & contracts' overview and their provisions and forecasts displayed would also be mattering to independent, agency, and enterprise consultants as well.


Controlling, for example, provisions & performance metrics seem to be the top priority for agencies. At the same time, the integration of existing tools and processes and the flexibility to add new tools play an equally important role.


Digital transformation, paperless workflow, controlling, and provisions were the main concerns of the enterprise representatives in our research. Keeping up with consultants, tools, workflow, and processes would be necessary. Following the enterprise branding and unifying the look and feel of our solution to the organization's style, also plays a vital role for the decision-makers in big corporations.

Key Insights

01. Flexible & adaptive solution to individual workflows

Finance consultants tend to have distinct approaches to their workflow, so our design should be flexible & adaptive to their style of consulting.

02. Easy integration with a variety of existing tools & processes

The consultants, as well as enterprise representatives, don't seem positive in a fundamental change into their existing tool-portfolio. Our solution should enable or even simplify the integration of a variety of tools and processes.

03. Customizable to diverse enterprise regulations & branding style guides

A significant consideration for enterprises seems to be the adaption of our solution to their current and future regulations. Also, important seems the ability of our interface to be fully customizable to their existing or future look & feel.

"Our mission was to simplify the consultants' working environment and enhance their workflow and day-to-day activities. First, we had to understand the consultants' current situation, and what would they & other stakeholders need from our solution. What features would convince them to introduce our solution to their toolset & workflow?"

Myrto Papagiannakou, Head of UX at notallbad.

What if we create a dashboard that enables the integration of existing consultation tools used by finance and insurance enterprises and independent consultants?

Prioritizing users' and stakeholders' needs & aspirations

Defining the scope

Our solution needed to be flexible, consistent, adaptive, and expandable to support and enhance the current workflow of finance consultants. We collected all the available pieces of information to set up the core values of the product. We prioritized users' & stakeholders' needs and aspirations. Finally, we ideated how we could add value to the current processes and workflows.

Facilitating Co-Design Workshops

Facilitating remote Co-Design Workshops

We brought users, stakeholders, and designers together to bridge the communication gap between consultants and managers. Our goal was to share insights, understand the challenges, come up with ideas, propose solutions & set up the foundation for our dashboard.

Looking for effective ways to involve consultants throughout the process, we decided to organize and facilitate co-design sessions for the initial drafts and layouts.

We scheduled online meet-ups with the consultants and our facilitators, where we introduced our initiative, efforts, and findings. We also allowed the consultants to come up with their ideas on how the core design challenges could be solved.

One of our comparison diagrams between the current workflow and our proposal

Solution design and Information Architecture

Collecting all the artifacts from the Co-Design Workshops and sessions, we were ready to dive-in into the Solution Design and Information Architecture. Having a deep understanding of the workflow complexity and the views of the consultants & stakeholders we spent much time working on diagrams, process, and user flows.

We aimed to identify and map-out the technical and interaction complexity for this initiative and be able to define the scope for the first Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) version of our dashboard.

Excerpt of our design system components

Setting up a modular design system

When the time came to dive-into specific solutions, detailed wireframing, and interaction design, one thing was clear: If we 'd like to accommodate user needs and shape a flexible, consistent, adaptive, expandable & feasible solution, we should come up with a modular and scalable design system. The next step was to shape a white-labeled, modular design system that reflected our core values. It would enable us to offer the flexibility and consistency our users and stakeholders were looking for.


Stretching out our design system

After defining the design system and its components, we decided to test its flexibility to accommodate the needs of a white-labeled product and to be used by a variety of companies across the industry. To evaluate the usability and effectiveness of our solution, we conducted an ideation workshop to come-up with three brands with unique value propositions, tone of voice, and visual language. We would use the three brands to test the design system.
To gather accurate data about the efficiency of the design system, we would test similar functionality and features for all three brands, to observe potential misalignments.

Brand proposition for InsureLite

Brand 1: InsureLite

The insurance enterprise with thousands of employees and independent consultants

We started with InsureLite, an insurance provider with thousands of employees and millions of customers worldwide.

About the brand

Core values, tone of voice & visual language

We started with defining the core values of InsureLite, describing the insurance provider as serious and trustworthy, customer-centered, and transparent. The tone of voice should align with the core values, so we defined it as reliable, friendly, and adaptive.

To decide about the visual language and the branding colours, we created a mood board with images related to what InsureLite people, as well as what their clients see daily. After some consideration, we decided on a green palette with black and white colours for the brand.

Will our design system work for InsureLite?

Having our first brand in place, we were ready to stretch-out our design system and find out how our solution would or wouldn't work for InsureLite.

The dashboard tab and its core features

Our first set of features, i.e., the dashboard overview, the email integration, and the client list feature, returned a positive outcome. Our design system and its features seem to work efficiently for InsureLite.

Tool tabs & additional features

Now, it was time to dive a bit deeper into tool integrations to investigate if our system would be adaptable there as well. For this purpose, we tested our solution for Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel integration.

Evaluation of the InsureLite stretching-out exercise

Seamless and efficient adaption of the brand's visual language & tone of voice to our design system.

The adaption of InsureLite's visual language & look and feel to our design system took less than a couple of hours. It was seamless and efficient both for the design team working on this exercise as well as the front-end developer who was in charge of bringing the dashboard for the InsureLite brand in life.

Brand proposition for NomadShield

Brand 2: NomadShield

The Startup of independent consultants

To stretch our design system a bit further and step out of our comfort zone, we decided to set up a new brand. This time our brand should be NomadShield, a startup, working with independent consultants providing insurances for digital nomads.

About the brand

Core values, tone of voice & visual language

Defining the core values came a bit natural in this case, as we imagine such an insurance provider as advanturous, flexible, transparent and efficient - all essential for the nomadic lifestyle. The tone of voice should be aligned with the core values, so it should be direct, adventurous and transparent.
When it came to the visual language and the branding colours, we created a quick collection of images about what NomadShield team sees, and what their clients see and decided for petrol, light-blue and yelow colours the brand reflects the sea and the sun, most digital nomads enjoy on their adventures, while black reveals a timeless quality, efficiency and boldness in their domain.

Will our design system work for InsureLite?

Having our second brand in place, we were ready to stretch-out our design system and discover how it would or wouldn't work for NomadShield and its brand.

The dashboard tab and its core features

Evaluating the dashboard overview, email integration, and client list feature, we got a positive outcome about our design system and features capability. All seems to work efficiently for NomadShield.

Tool tabs & additional features

As we also did for InsureLite, we would like to dive a bit deeper into the PowerPoint and Excel integration with our dashboard and determine whether our solution would cover the values, needs, tone of voice and visual language of NomadShield as well.

Evaluation of the NomadShield stretching-out exercise

Seamless and efficient adaption of the brand's visual language & tone of voice to our design system.

Again, the adaption of our design system to the visual language, look & feel, and tone of voice of NomadShield took less than a couple of hours for all teams involved in the process.

Brand propositon for Fin Power

Brand 3: Fin Power

The finance consulting agency of four

To investigate the efficiency of our solution for finance consulting agencies, we developed Fin Power, an agency of four, with 360° services around finance-consulting.

About the brand

Core values, tone of voice & visual language

Professional, strict, and quite old-fashioned, the brand tends to use business, severe language, and tone of voice and have a business-classy and a bit outdated look with dark colours and gold finishes throughout its visual appearance.

Will our design system work for Fin Power?

Having our third brand in place, we were ready to stretch-out our design system and find out how it would or wouldn't work for Fin Power's brand.

The dashboard tab and its core features

Evaluating the dashboard overview, email integration, and client list feature, we got a positive outcome about our design system and features capability. All seems to work efficiently for Fin Power as well.

Tool tabs & additional features

As we also did for InsureLite and NomadShield, we would like to dive a bit deeper into the PowerPoint and Excel integration with our dashboard and determine whether our solution would cover the values, needs, tone of voice and visual language also.

Evaluation of the NomadShield stretching-out exercise

Expansion of the design system needed.

The adaption of Fin Power's visual language & look and feel to our design system required a bit more effort than the other two brands, as an expansion of the current design system was needed to accommodate the brand's needs. However, after expanding the design system, the adaption proved to be seamless and efficient for all parties involved.


Testing our solution with users

Testing the outcome of our work with independent consultants, non-independent consultants, agency owners, and enterprise representatives, we collected valuable feedback for our next iterations.

Independent consultants

Independent consultants would be interested in our solution as:

  • it supports their workflow at its core
  • it reduces the time spent on busy tasks, allowing them to concentrate their efforts on their clients

Non-independent consultants

Non-independent (agency or enterprise) consultants were also keen to try out our solution as:

  • it helps them keep up to the speed with their daily activities
  • supports the management & bureaucracy of their workflow

Agencies & Enterprises

Agency & enterprise stakeholders and decision-makers found our solution remarkable, based on:

  • its adaptability not only to the workflow of each consultant
  • the many integration possibilities
  • its effectiveness and quick adaption to the various brand style-guides

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